Design calculation of steam boiler should be performed carefully. Engineers who have responsibility to design steam boiler shall have good understanding about requirement
ASME BPV Section I not only for
materials, but also for design calculation.
Design calculation ideally should follow ASME Code. The following below is summary of requirement ASME for design calculation:
- General Design, see ASME BPV Section I sub chapter PG 16
- Maximum Allowable Working Pressure, see ASME BPV Section I sub chapter PG 21
- Loading on Steam Boiler, see ASME BPV Section I sub chapter PG 22
- Stress Value for Calculation Formula, see ASME BPV Section I sub chapter PG 23 and ASME BPV Section II Part D
- Calculation Formula for Tube Up To 5 in Outside Diameter, see ASME BPV Section I sub chapter PG 27.2.1
- Calculation Formula for Piping, Drums and Headers, see ASME BPV Section I sub chapter PG 27.2.2
- Thickness Greater Than One-Half the Inside Radius of Component, see ASME BPV Section I sub chapter PG 27.2.3
- Welded Access or Inspection Openings under External Pressure, see ASME BPV Section I sub chapter PG 28
- Dished Head Design and Calculation, see ASME BPV Section I sub chapter PG 29
- Design Stayed Dished Head, see ASME BPV Section I sub chapter PG 30
- Design Unstayed Flat Heads and Covers, see ASME BPV Section I sub chapter PG 31
- Design Calculation for Opening in Shells, Headers, and Heads, see ASME BPV Section I sub chapter PG 32.1
- Design Shape of Opening, see ASME BPV Section I sub chapter PG 32.2
- Design Size of Opening, see ASME BPV Section I sub chapter PG 32.3
- Design Compensation Required for Opening in Shells and Formed Heads, see ASME BPV Section I sub chapter PG 33
- Design Flanged in Openings in Formed Heads, see ASME BPV Section I sub chapter PG 34
- Design Compensation Required for Opening in Flat Heads, see ASME BPV Section I sub chapter PG 35
- Design Limit of Metal Available for Compensation, see ASME BPV Section I sub chapter PG 36
- Design Strength of Compensation, see ASME BPV Section I sub chapter PG 37
- Design Compensation for Multiple Openings, see ASME BPV Section I sub chapter PG 38
- Minimum Thickness and Maximum Working pressure for Stayed Flat Plates, see ASME BPV Section I sub chapter PG 46.1
- Design Calculation of Ligaments, see ASME BPV Section I sub chapter PG 52 and PG 53
- Boiler External Piping and Boiler Proper Connection, see ASME BPV Section I sub chapter PG 58
- Nondestructive Examination Requirements, see ASME BPV Section I sub chapter PW 11
- Heat Treatment Process, see ASME BPV Section I sub chapter PW 38 and PW 39