Steam Turbine Classification

Superheated steam is generated from steam boiler then to be distributed to steam turbine generator. Steam turbine has some classifications. The following below is the classification of steam turbine:

  1. Based on steam flow direction
Axial steam turbine, the steam turbine which has steam flow direction parallels to the axis of shaft.
Radial steam turbine, the steam turbine which has direction of steam flow perpendicular to the axis of shaft.

  1. Based on working principal
a.       Impulse steam turbine, steam turbine which the rotation of its blades is caused by the steam where the velocity of steam had been increased by nozzle. The impulse steam turbine include
-          De-Laval steam turbine
-          Curtis steam turbine
-          Zoelly/Rateau steam turbine
-          Parson steam turbine

b.      Reaction steam turbine, the steam turbine which the rotation of its blades is caused by reaction of its blades due to steam flow itself.

  1. Based on exit steam
a.       Back pressure steam turbine
b.      Direct condensation steam turbine
c.       Back pressure extraction steam turbine
d.      Condensation extraction steam turbine
e.       Non condensing steam turbine with direct flow

  1. Based on steam pressure
a.       Low pressure steam turbine, the turbine with pressure up to 2 ata.
b.      Middle pressure steam turbine, the turbine with pressure up to 40 ata.
c.       High pressure steam turbine, the turbine with pressure 40 – 170 ata.
d.      Very high steam turbine, the turbine with pressure exceeds 170 ata.
e.       Super critical pressure steam turbine, the turbine with presse exceeds 225 ata.

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