Steam Boiler Classification

Steam boilers are built in the world from 200 BC until today, many developments have taken place that allow us to classify steam boiler in different ways.  Hence steam boiler may be classified based on the following characteristics:

§         Low Pressure
A steam boiler in which steam is generated at pressure less than 15 psi or a boiler in which hot water is generated at pressure not exceeding 160 psi and/or temperature not exceeding 250o F
§         High Pressure
A steam boiler in which steam is generated at pressure exceeding 15 psi or a boiler in which hot water is generated at pressure exceeding 160 psi and/or temperature exceeding 250o F

§         Gaseous Fuel
A steam boiler is fired by gas. The gas used may be natural gas, propane gas, etc.
§         Liquid Fuel
A steam boiler is fired by oil. The oil used may be heavy oil known as Bunker C because of low fuel cost.
§         Solid Fuel
This type of steam boiler is fired by coal, wood, rejected product, etc
§         Electric Fuel
This type of steam boiler is fired by electricity. Usually used for research laboratory, food industries, and others where smoke pollution is prohibited.

3.      Classification of boiler based on material
§         Steel
§         Cast Iron

§         Fire Tube Boiler
A steam boiler in which the products of combustion pass through the tubes, which are surrounded by water.
§         Water Tube Boiler
A steam boiler in which the water passes through the tubes and products of combustion surround the tubes.

§         Natural Circulation
§         Force Circulation

6.      Classification of boiler based on method of combustion
§         Stoker Boiler
§         Fluidized Bed
§         Pulverized coal
§         Burner-Fired Boiler
§         Waste Heat Steam Boiler

§         Top Supported Steam Boiler
§         Bottom Supported Steam Boiler
§         Middle and Girdle Steam Boiler

8.      Classification of boiler based on furnace construction
§         Two Pass Steam Boiler
§         One and a Half Pass Steam Boiler
§         Single or Tower Type Steam Boiler
§         Down-Shot Steam Boiler

9.      Classification based on use
§         Power Boiler
§         Process Boiler
§         Hot Water Heating Boiler
§         Hot Water Supply Boiler
§         Industrial Boiler
§         Commercial Boiler
§         Heat Recovery Boiler

10.  Classification of boiler based on erection
§         Package Boiler
§         Field Erected Boiler

11.      Classification of boiler based on mobility
§         Stationary Boiler
Stationary boiler is a boiler that is placed on permanent foundation such as boiler for power generation, industries and the others.
§         Mobile Boiler
Mobile boiler is a boiler that is placed on mobile foundation such as locomotive boiler and cab car.

12.      Classification of boiler based on furnace position
§         Internally Fired Steam Boiler
§         Externally Fired Steam Boiler

13.      Classification of boiler based on ASME Code
§         Power Boiler - ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Section I
§         Heating Boiler - ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Section IV

14.      Classification of boiler based on heat source
§         Conventional Boiler

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