Steam Boiler Definition

Figure 1. Steam Boiler 2x7 MW
A steam boiler is defined as a boiler use heat to convert water into steam for a variety of application. Though useful to heat one's home or business, the steam can still be used to power steam engines or other, similar tasks. Steam is a key resource because of its availability, advantageous properties and nontoxic nature.

In technical terms, a steam boiler is defined as a closed vessel where water or some other liquid is heated, steam or vapor is generated, and steam is superheated. Or any combination of these functions is accomplished under pressure or vacuum for use external to itself by the direct application of energy from combustion of fuels, electricity, or solar energy.  

A steam boiler consists of two principal parts: the furnace, which provides heat, usually by burning a fuel, and the boiler proper, a device in which the heat changes water into steam. A steam boiler is driven by steam generated under pressure in a boiler. The amount of steam that can be generated per hour depends upon the rate of combustion of the fuel in the furnace and upon the efficiency of heat transfer to the boiler proper.

A steam boiler should be designed to absorb the maximum amount heat released in the process of combustion. This heat is transmitted to the boiler by radiation, conduction, and convection, the percentage of each depending upon steam boiler design.

Each form oh heat transmission gives special consideration in design steam boiler.  All three forms of heat transmission occur simultaneously and cannot readily be distinguished from each other in the operation of a steam boiler.

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