Key Success Factors in Design Power Plant

Key success factors in design power plant are very important to be noted because build a power plant requires not less cost. Therefore, the power plant should be able to operate properly so as to produce electrical power output which is expected associated with the big investment was spent to build it.

Key success factors in design power plant can be seen from how much the value of EAF (Equivalent Availability Factor). The expected goal is to get the optimal value of EAF, high efficiency and low heat rate. Power plant must operate continuously, if at any time shutdown or the plant stop to operates, the potential loss of profits should be reduced to a minimum. This means that the power plant should get the value of EAF as high as possible.

Heat rate is the ratio of required heat energy (in kJ or Btu unit) to produce electric power 1 kWh (kilo watt hour). A power plant can be called has high efficiency when has low heat rate because the power plant needs less fuel than a power plant which has high heat rate. One of easy methods to determine the value of heat rate in a power plant is to know the value of SFC (Specific Fuel Consumption). The smaller SFC at same load, then the power plant is more efficient.

There are some key success factors in design power plant as follow:
  1. Design factors
Design factor is the most important key success factor long before talking about commercial of power plant. Design factors can be:
a.       Design capacity factor
The design capacity of a power plant will affect the design of steam boiler, turbine generator, heater, deaerator, condenser and other equipment. It also affects the design pressure, temperature and its flow.

b.      Fuel selection factors
Selection of fuel will affect the power output of electricity which is generated, but it also effect on the type of steam boiler which is used, the type of furnace, fuel handling system, ash handling system and other supporting components.

c.       Location factors such as conditions of wind, earthquake, corrosion, humidity, coolant reservoir and the others.

d.      Standard material and design factor which is used such as whether to use standard ASME, JIS, DIN, and the others.

  1. Construction factors
Construction factor is important to be considered such method and sequence of construction or erection, equipment used, so that at the time of construction phase is expected to do as little  as possible mistakes so that the duration of construction is not delayed and costs will not high. Safety factor should also be kept in this phase.

  1. Commissioning factors
Commissioning is the initial testing that is a benchmark of success in a power plant. The first time each equipment must be tested (individual test) after it perform system test overall.

  1. Operation and maintenance factors
In this factor, the pattern of operation and maintenance should be well designed both in the schedule maintenance and type of maintenance, so the power plant can operate continuously without any damage.

By knowing the key success factors in design power plant, an engineer is expected can create and design an efficient power plant.

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