Water Spray System

Water spray system is one of fireprotection method to protect are from loss of fire building or area. This system shall be fed from service/fire water main pipe which is common use of both service water purpose and fire protection piping network. The water supply valve shall operate either by remote operation and manual operation.

Water spray system can be automatically initiated and which system can be manually initiated. Where water spray system is installed to protect areas with hot surfaces e.g. steam turbines, steam boiler burner, etc. The spray shall be manually initiated remotely but within visual contact of the protected area. Where automatic initiation of the water spray system is to be employed the designer power plant should define the fire detection mechanism.

1. Automatic Water Spray Deluge System
The automatic water spray deluge system shall be provided and designed with reference to the latest edition of related NFPA Standard such as NFPA 13, NFPA 15, and NFPA 850. This system shall automatically detect, control, and extinguish any out-breaks of fire and simultaneously gives audible alarm. The deluge valve shall also have the facility to be actuated by operating the manual emergency release.

2. Manual Water Spray Deluge System
The manual water spray deluge system shall be provided and designed with reference to the latest edition of related NFPA standard such as NFPA 13, NFPA 15, and NFPA 850.

3. Cooling Water Spray System
Cooling water spray system shall be provided to protect the perimeter surfaces of the fuel oil tanks. This system shall be provided and designed with reference to the latest edition of related NFPA Standard such as NFPA 30 and NFPA 15.

Water spray system contains spray pumps (driven pump and diesel engine), pressurization plans, water mains system, spray nozzles/projectors, Y-type strainers, isolation valves, deluge valves, detection and control procedure, piping system, etc. The water spray system is kept pressurized constantly to standard operating pressure up to the deluge valves.

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