Hot Water Heater Installation

Hot water is provided by using clean water source which is heated in various ways. There are two methods of hot water heater installation. These methods are local hot water heater installation and central hot water heater installation. Both installations are selected based on the use type of building, how to use hot water and equipment cost.

  1. Local Hot Water Heater Installation
In this installation method, water heater is placed adjacent to the plumbing equipment which need hot water. Advantages of Local Hot Water Heater Installation are hot water can be rapidly obtained, the heat loss into environment is relatively small, installation and maintenance is easy, and the price is quite low. Therefore, the local installation of hot water heater is widely used in places that require limited hot water.

In the local installation, heating process can be carried out shortly. It means the water is heated in pipe which is mounted on the heater and then directly channeled towards plumbing equipment. Moreover, the saving heating process can be done also. Water is heated in a tank that can store hot water in a little amount.

Generally the local installation of hot water heater takes several minutes to get hot water. Then the technique of mixing steam and water can also be applied. If in a building there is steam source, the steam can be directly mixed with water in tank heater.

  1. Central Hot Water Heater Installation
Hot water will be generated in other place, then through distribution pipeline will be channeled towards the entire plumbing equipment. Central Hot Water Heater Installation is generally used in places that require lots of hot water. There are two methods of hot water distribution system, namely: direct central hot water system and circulation central hot water system.

In direct system, water is flowed once only to plumbing equipment. If water is not used for long time and when it will be reused, so the plumbing equipment that is far located will get hot water with lower temperature. While in the circulation system, if water is not used, the water will return to the tank heating. Furthermore the quality of water temperature can be maintained.

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