Laminar and turbulent flow

Laminar flow is form of flow that describes velocity of a point in the pipeline is constant at all times. While turbulent flow describes velocity of a point in the pipeline different and random in each time.

The condition flow type that occurs inside pipe can be determined by calculating Reynolds number in the flow. Reynolds number (Re) is defined as following formula:

Re = (ρ V d) / μ

Re        = Reynolds number
Ρ          = density of fluid (kg/m3)
μ          = surface coarseness of pipe (m)
d          = inside diameter of pipe (m)
V         = velocity of fluid inside pipe (m/s)

Re equal to 2300 is the maximum value for laminar flow. Re equal to 4000 is the minimum value for turbulent flow. While the value of which indicates the type of transition flow.

The type of flow that occurs inside pipe will give big influence on the amount of energy which is discharged. This condition is indicated by the magnitude of pressure drop that occurs along pipeline. Each type of flow will have any kind of different pressure drop calculations.

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