Heat Exchanger Applications

There are many applications of heat exchanger in our daily life. The following below is some examples heat exchanger applications and its function:

  1. Chiller
Chiller is one of heat exchanger applications that is used to cool fluid until low temperature. Temperature of fluid that is resulted from cooling process in the chiller is lower than temperature of cooling fluid cooling which is performed by cooling water. For this chiller, used cooling medium normally is ammonia or Freon.

  1. Condenser
Condenser is one of heat exchanger applications that is used to cool steam or mixture of steam, so it turns into liquid phase. Cooling medium used is usually water or air.  Steam or steam mixture will release latent heat to the coolant, for example in steam boiler power plants that use condensing turbine. Used steam from turbine will be entered into condenser, and then condensed into condensate.

  1. Cooler
Cooler is one of heat exchanger applications that is used to cool liquids or gases by using water as cooling medium. Here no phase change, with today's technological developments then cooler use cooling medium as air with the aid of fan.

  1. Evaporator
Evaporator is one of heat exchanger applications that is used for evaporation of liquid into steam. Evaporation process convert liquid phase into steam phase. Evaporator utilizes latent heat to convert liquid phase into steam phase.

  1. Re-boiler
Re-boiler is one of heat exchanger applications that serve to re-boil and partially vaporize the liquid being processed. The heating medium is often used steam or hot substance that is being processed itself. One of example application of re-boiler is oil refinery system that use oil (665 F) as a medium evaporator, the oil will come out of boiler and flows inside tube.

  1. Heat Exchanger
Heat exchanger is one of heat exchanger application which is intended to utilize heat of fluid flow to another.  Heat exchanger has two functions as follow:
-          Heating the fluid
-          Cool the hot fluid
Temperatures in and out of both fluid types are set according to its needs.

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