Failure Modes and Effect Analysis (FMEA)

Failure Modes and Effect Analysis (FMEA) is a technique to analyze danger qualitatively that can be used to identify how an equipment, facility or system can be failure and analyze effect that may occur. Analysis of FMEA can be recommendation to enhance reliability and safety of equipment, facility or system. FMEA state failure modes, cause of component can experience failure or damage.

Component that is included in analysis FMEA is component or machine potentially causes function failure from previous maintenance note. FMEA data is obtained based on machine history record and interview with maintainer. Procedures of Failure Modes and Effect Analysis (FMEA) are performed according to following steps:

  1. Determining problem
Determining problem on an equipment, facility or system is carried out by sort parts of equipment, facility or system so the explanation can be more focused.

  1. Review
Review is done on working sheet of FMEA. How to fill working sheet of FMEA is as follow:
a.       Item (ID)
In the item column is filled serial number of system which will be analyzed.

b.      Identification (component)
In the identification column is filled equipment data which be identified.

c.       Function
In the function column is filled data of equipment type, operating configuration and other specified character.

d.      Failure Modes
1.      Failure mode: it is defined as failure component to apply one of component functions.
2.      Failure mechanism: it is possibly generated by failure mode that had been identified.
3.      Detection of failure: All possibility of failure mode detection.

e.       Effect
1.      Local: occurred failure will influence performance of equipment / component.
2.      System: occurred failure will influence overall system function.
3.      Plant: failure that occurred will influence performance of plant.

f.       Safety
Safety features or procedures in the system can eliminate failure that will occur.
g.      Action / risk reducing measures
Possibility of action which is performed to prevent seriously effect of failure.

h.      Comment
Record other information that cannot be entered in previous column.

  1. Documentation
Documentation is performed by filling working sheet of FMEA to monitor consistently implementation of recommended correction.
Figure 1: Working Sheet of  Failure Modes and Effect Analysis (FMEA)

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