Steam Distribution Factors in Boiler

Steam pressure distribution in boiler is influenced by many factors and limited by:
-          The maximum safe working pressure in boiler
-          The minimum required pressure  in the power plant
When the steam through pipe distribution, then steam cannot avoid the loss of pressure due to some factors such as:
-          Friction resistance inside pipe.
-          Condensation that occurs inside pipe when the heat is transferred to the environment.

Therefore, when determining the initial distribution of pressure, tolerance should be provided due to this pressure loss. One kilogram of steam at higher pressure has smaller volume than at low pressure. So, if the steam generated in the boiler at high pressure and is distributed at high pressure, then the size of distribution pipe will be smaller.

Generation and distribution of steam at high pressure provides significant benefits as follow:
-          Capacity of heat storage in the boiler will be increase.
-          Increase boiler efficiency in dealing with fluctuating load
-          Minimize the risk of wet steam and dirty steam occurs.
-          Required pipe size to flow steam will be smaller, so the investment cost for the pipeline, supporting materials, insulation materials and labor are lower.
-          At high pressure steam distribution system, steam pressure reduction is required in each zone or point of use on the system to adjust with the maximum pressure which is required by user. The reduction pressure will also generate drier steam at the point of use.

The following below are important component can influence steam distribution factor in boiler:
-          Piping system
-          The expenditure
-          Line branch
-          Strainers
-          Filter
-          Separator
-          Steam traps
-          Air vents

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