Feed Water Process of Boiler

A boiler is a closed vessel where the combustion heat flowed into the water until it forms a hot water or steam. Hot water or steam at a certain pressure and then used for transferring heat to a process. Water is a useful and inexpensive medium for transferring heat to a process. If water is boiled into steam, its volume will increase by about 1,600 times, producing a force that gunpowder is explosive, so the boiler is a device that must be managed and maintained very well.

Boiler system consists of: feed water systems, steam systems and fuel systems. Water system provides water to the boiler automatically as needed steam. Various valves are provided for purposes of maintenance and repairs. Steam system collects and controls the production of steam in the boiler. Steam is directed through a piping system to the user's point.

The entire system, steam pressure is set using a valve and monitored with a pressure monitor. The fuel system is all the equipment used to provide fuel to generate the necessary heat. Equipment required on the fuel system depends on the type of fuel used on the system. Water supplied to the boiler is converted into steam is called feed water. Two sources of feed water are: condensate or steam is returned from the process and make up water (treated raw water) which must come from outside the boiler room and plant processes. To obtain a higher efficiency boiler, an economizer for heating feed water using waste heat in flue gases.

The raw material used to make steam is clean water. Water from the Reverse Osmosis (RO) that has been processed in the stream using a pump to the deaerator tank to the level specified. Warming in the deaerator is to use the residual steam from the turbine playback. In this case there is some stage or stages of the circulation of steam to preheat deaerator.

  1. Phase 1
Residual steam from the steam turbine rotating returned directly to the deaerator to reheat the water contained in the deaerator tank. The remaining steam is directly due to differences in pressure and flow density of water and steam, because of differences in the density of the steam was inclined towards a greater density of water. Circulation at this stage continuously like that.

  1. Phase 2
The remaining steam turbine of the player falls into the condenser (cooling process). At this stage the remaining pedinginan steam assisted by seawater. After going through this cooling process, the steam turns into water again later in the stream to the LPH (Low Pressure Heater) to be heated again. Once the water is almost hot LPH earlier in the stream again to the deaerator for heating up. when heated in hot water deaerator was not directly in the stream to the economizer, but the water in the stream prior to HPH (High Pressure Heater) to be heated more and after that then flowed into the economizer. Help some heaters on stage 2 this is just a step in the maintenance of the instrument where it has be set in such a way as to guard. It also can be used as a safety if any of the one-stage system of the stage had been damaged, other than that it's step by step depending on the type of turbine used

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