Deaeration Process

Deaeration process is the process to treat water by removes dissolved gases in the water. Deaeration process is one of step in water treatment to be ready feedwater and can be supplied into boiler. The soluble gases in water are:
-          Hydrogen (H2S)
-          Carbon dioxide (CO2
-          Oxygen (O2)

Water can be acidic if containing high amount of CO2 in the water. When the gas is contained in water, the water will become corrosive to metal pipe or tube that will form soluble carbonate. In the water contained 2-50 ppm of CO2, water can be categorized as corrosive water. Gas which can accelerate corrosion is oxygen, corrosion will make hole or pit in material surface. Mechanical and chemical method can be used to remove oxygen contain in the water.

Deaeration methods can be divided into two parts as follow:
-          Deaeration method with heating system
Deaeration heating process is separation proses which is performed by using mechanical equipment that has been designed and used as expected. The basic working principle of this method is increase temperature of water so solubility of gases in the water can be reduced and dropped. So the terms of maximum deaeration is highly dependent on temperature.

-          Deaeration method with addition of chemical system (chemical treatment)
Deaeration with ddition of chemical system is by injecting a chemical solution into water.

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