Design Process Steam Boiler

Steam boiler should be designed systematically. There are some engineers who work for design steam boiler. They are performance engineer, mechanical engineer, project engineer and drafting engineer. Each engineer has task respectively. First task is usually started by performance engineer such as determine classification and type of steam boiler will be designed; calculate design pressure and temperature each part of steam boiler; issued Piping and Instrument Diagram (P & ID); design size of steam boiler part like steam drum, water drum, water wall tubes, superheater, economizer, boiler bank, riser, downcomer, etc; design capacity of steam, fuel consumption and so on.

After performance engineers did their task, the next step will be continued by mechanical engineers to perform calculation requirement minimum thickness each pressure part, design structure of steam boiler, piping stress analysis, and all of requirement calculation will be needed based on ASME BPV Section I (for design steam boiler), ASCE (for design structure), AWS (for design welding) and so on. If all of calculation had been performed, drafting engineers has task to draw both in 2 dimension and 3 dimension.

Project engineers should arrange well schedule, so steam boiler can be designed, fabricated, and constructed on time. Prepare all of documents (drawing and specification for welding process, fabrication and construction. Project manager should monitor and ensure that fabrication and construction are performed as per design.

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