Code and Calculation Required in Performance Assessment

Performance of power plant generally and steam boiler specifically should be assessed to evaluate them, so they can perform perfectly and give highest efficiency. Performance of all of equipments should be monitored and maintained to give reliable, economical and safety operation. Beside that, performance assessment of steam boiler is used to detect when boiler running with poor efficiency and extend the life of steam boiler.

Code and calculation of performance assessment are taken based on American Society of Mechanical Engineer (ASME) Power Test Code for each equipment. The performance assessments include:

  • Efficiency of Steam Boiler Based on ASME 4.1
  • Performance Calculation of Feedwater Heater
  • Performance Calculation of Steam Turbine Based on ASME PTC 6
  • The calculations include efficiency, heat rate and steam flow of steam turbine.
  • Calculation of Turbine Cycle Based on ASME 6.1
  • Performance Calculation of Condenser Based on ASME PTC 12.1-1983
  • The calculations include transmittance of thermal, pressure, fouling resistance, cleanliness factor, and cooling process of condenser.
  • Performance Calculation of Overall Plant
  • The calculations include heat rate, thermal efficiency and output power either gross or net of overall plant.
  • Performance Calculation of Cooling Tower
  • The calculations include range, approach, and cold water temperature of cooling tower.
  • Performance Calculation of Gas Turbine Based on ASME PTC 22
  • The calculations include heat rate, fuel consumption, output power and thermal efficiency of gas turbine.
  • Performance Calculation of Heat Recovery Steam Generator Based on ASME PTC 4.4-1981
  • The calculation include efficiency, fuel consumption, pinch point and overall effectiveness of HRSG

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