Auxiliaries of Steam Boiler

Auxiliaries of steam boiler are devices that be installed to the steam boiler, and can make it operates efficiently. These devices should be maintained and controlled, so steam boiler can run in good condition. Some of auxiliaries which are installed in steam boiler are:
·          Air heater
Air heater is device of heat exchanger to increase temperature of air before supplied to steam boiler usually located between the boiler and stack. Primary air and secondary air are heated by air heater before enter the combustion process, so the combustion process will be more efficient.

·          Gas system
Gas system is a group of devices that consist of control valve, solenoid valve, gas regulator, and mechanism control to arrange mixture ratio between air and gas in the furnace of steam boiler, so combustion can take place completely.

·          Oil system
Oil system is a group of devices that consist of oil pre heater, storage tank, piping, fuel strainer, and relief valve to control mixture between oil and air can be combusted perfectly.

·          Economizer
Economizer is device of heat exchanger to increase temperature of feedwater before to be supplied in steam boiler, efficiency of steam boiler is expected higher than without using economizer.

·          Feedwater regulator
Feedwater regulator is device to control feedwater that be supplied and maintain water level in the steam boiler at normal condition, so reduce excess of fuel consumption and thermal shock.

·          Feedwater heater
Feedwater is device of heat exchanger to increase temperature of feedwater before entering boiler feed pump.

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