Classification Steam Boiler Based on Fuel

A steam boiler is closed vessel in which water, is transformed into steam by application of heat. Heating is caused by combustion of mixture of fuel, oxygen, and heat source. Classsification of steam boiler generally can be seen here and the common fuels fall into four categories shown below:

§         Gaseous Fuel
A steam boiler is fired by gas. The gas used for the boiler may be natural gas, propane gas, or any other liquid petroleum gas.
§         Liquid Fuel
A steam boiler is fired by liquid fuel. The liquid used for the boiler may be heavy oil known as Bunker C is used because of low cost fuel.
§         Solid Fuel
A steam boiler is fired by solid fuel. The solid used for the boiler may be coal, coke, peat, wood.
§         Electricity Fuel
A steam boiler is fired by electric. The electricity is generated by solid, liquid, gas or nuclear.

The first three are used most commonly to fire steam boiler and are composed mainly of carbon and hydrogen with small amount of sulphur and incombustible material. Electricity is a second generation fuel and is used to heat small steam and hot water boilers for specialist application.

Advantages and disadvantage steam boiler based on fuel:
1.      Gaseous Fuel
Good efficiency of combustion
Low cost fuel
High cost for the construction
Difficult to be found

2.      Liquid Fuel
Residue of combustions are not numerous and easily cleaned
Easily to be found
High cost fuel
High cost for the construction

3.      Solid Fuel
Easily to be found
Low cost for the construction
Residue of combustions are hardly cleaned
Difficult to find good material

4.      Electricity Fuel
Most easy to maintain
Easily construction and fuel easily to be found
Bad efficiency of combustion
Low temperature of combustion

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